
Rates Rise for the 10th Consecutive Month in a Row.

The Reserve Bank of Australia has recently lifted rates for the 10th consecutive time, signalling a new era of higher interest rates.

While this may not be great news for borrowers, it can present an opportunity for property sellers to take advantage of a changing market.


If you're a homeowner considering selling your property, now might be a good time to do so. Rising interest rates can put a strain on household budgets, and selling your property can alleviate some of that debt burden during a slowing economy and high-interest rate environment.


Furthermore, selling your property can protect you against becoming a mortgage prisoner or worse, being trapped in a house with negative equity. With APRA's buffer level set at 3% above the loans variable rate, higher interest rates mean that simply changing loan providers may be difficult as you may no longer qualify for the loan you already have.


Selling your property can also provide you with the opportunity to make a fresh start and move on to a property that better suits your current needs and financial situation. Additionally, if you're an investor, selling your property now could result in a higher return on investment than if you were to wait for the market to potentially soften in the future.


Rising interest rates can present both challenges and opportunities for homeowners. If you're considering selling your property, now might be a good time to do so to alleviate debt burden, protect against negative equity, and potentially make a higher return on investment.


It's important to work with an experienced real estate agent who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions in a changing market.