
More views online has to mean a higher price, right?

If you're selling your home, it's natural to assume that the more people who see it online, the higher the price you'll be able to command. After all, greater exposure should lead to more interest and more competition, right?


While it's true that online views can help increase awareness of your property, there are other factors to consider. For example, the quality of the photos and overall presentation of your marketing can have a big impact on how well your property stands out from the crowd.


To make the most of the increased visibility that comes with online marketing, it's important to work with an agent who has experience in both real estate sales and the digital space. Look for someone who can help you create a compelling online presence that showcases your property in the best possible light.


At our agency, we are agents who specialise in online marketing and have spent years honing our skills in this area. 

Dave Stewart, has over 25 years of experience in real estate sales and has been working specifically in the digital space for the past 6 years.


He knows what it takes to create a standout online presence that gets your property noticed.

If you're looking to sell your home and want to make the most of your online marketing efforts, give us a call. We'll work with you to create a customised marketing plan that leverages the power of online visibility to help you achieve your goals.


Contact Dave Stewart on 0438 590 157 to find out more.